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2 way bib cock

Quality-assured 2 Way Bib Cocks, our sophisticated solution to facilitate water flow properly. Our precision designed 2 Way Bib Cock ensures impeccable performance, durability and a beautiful look to any modern bathroom. These taps are crafted precisely to provide exact water flow and easy operation. Serving hot and cold water is indispensable to every modern bathroom or kitchen. Our sturdy, striking 2 Way Bib Cocks fit all the plumbing systems. Invest in our 2 Way Bib Cocks, the excellence in delivering looks and utility.

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Rs. 1,920 Rs. 1,899 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,520 Rs. 1,499 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,960 Rs. 1,764 / Piece
Ships within 4 days
Rs. 2,900 Rs. 2,699 / Piece
Ships within 20 days
Rs. 2,800 Rs. 2,399 / Piece
Ships within 4 days
Rs. 2,478 Rs. 1,999 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 2,700 Rs. 2,534 / Piece
Ships within 15 days
Rs. 1,518 Rs. 1,199 / Piece
Ships within 15 days
Rs. 2,488 Rs. 2,199 / Piece
Ships within 15 days
Rs. 1,357 Rs. 1,199 / Piece
Ships within 4 days
Rs. 1,625 Rs. 1,499 / Piece
Ships within 4 days
Rs. 1,725 Rs. 1,599 / Piece
Ships within 4 days
Rs. 2,660 Rs. 2,399 / Piece
Ships within 4 days
Rs. 1,725 Rs. 1,599 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,980 Rs. 1,699 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 2,280 Rs. 1,899 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,575 Rs. 1,299 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,575 Rs. 1,299 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,725 Rs. 1,399 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 1,725 Rs. 1,399 / Piece
Ships within 3 days
Rs. 2,010 Rs. 1,699 / Piece
Ships within 15 days
Rs. 999 Rs. 249
Set of 2 Pieces
Ships within 2 days
Rs. 1,800 Rs. 1,599 / Piece
Ships within 2 days
Rs. 2,190 Rs. 1,899 / Piece
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