Top 10 Reasons for the Use of Time Attendance System by Startup

10 Reasons Why Every Start-Up Must Have Time Attendance Systems

Overview of Time Attendance System

Any organization’s success is determined by how punctual its employees are. Just keeping a track of how many days a month an employee is absent from work will not suffice, it is equally important to keep a tab on labour regulations—what time an employee is reporting to office and what time he is calling it a day. Almost all multinational companies and large scale offices make use of time attendance systems to track employee punctuality and discipline on a daily basis. Many upcoming businesses and start-ups too have followed suit.

Different Types of Time Attendance System

Time attendance systems may be of different kinds—from biometric systems, face-based time attendance systems, and attendance control expert systems to even card based time attendance systems. Specifically, the importance of biometric systems lies in the fact that they identify a person based on unique characteristics such as facial features, retinal characteristics to name a few, making them really reliable.

If you haven’t hitherto installed a time attendance system in your office, then it is high time you get one. One obvious reason to do so is that keeping a track of employee attendance and their reporting times manually can get really arduous and time consuming for your payroll department. Imagine how difficult it must be for the payroll personnel to sift through the manual records of every single employee at the end of each month before preparing their salaries! Even if your company is really small in terms of its employee strength, consider how many resources you are looking at hiring in the near future.

If you are indeed looking to scale up and expand your business, then a time attendance system would only do you good. If you are too busy to buy a time attendance system for your company, you could do all the research over the internet, decide on which ones would be the best for your office setting and simply buy time attendance systems online.

List of Major Reasons Why Every Startup Must Have a Time Attendance System

If you are still wondering how a time attendance system could benefit your company, read on to know more:-

#1)To get rid of paper-based monitoring

Employees very often find themselves surrounded with papers galore—so much so that the papers pile up in stocks and end up overwhelming them! A time-based attendance system would eliminate the need to resort to paper-based attendance tracking which more often than not results in erroneous calculations, especially because one is very likely to lose a sheet of paper or two among hoards of papers!

#2)To shift to a completely accurate and modern time tracking solution

Manual tracking is very prone to errors. Modern times call for the use of a time-based attendance system to eliminate inaccuracies in attendance tracking and punch-in and punch-out times of employees.

#3)To curtail office-supply theft and save money

By eliminating paper-based tracking, you will also eliminate the stationery you supply to your employees—for instance, pen, pencil, erasers etc. Lesser the stationery supplied, lesser is the likelihood of any theft of the stationery. This will not just reduce theft, but also help you save money by lowering the amount you invest in meeting the stationery demand of your office every month.

#4)To stop employees from deliberately entering incorrect records

Employees often enter wrong ‘in’ and ‘out’ times on purpose when records are maintained manually to avoid being penalised by their line managers. In fact, many survey results indicate that this is, perhaps, the most common way in which employees are likely to steal from their bosses! The use of a time-based system does not give the power to enter ‘in’ and ‘out’ times to employees, thereby eliminating the deliberately induced discrepancy.

#5)To save time

If your payroll and HR department is not struggling with pesky paper-based calculations, it is only saving its valuable time by doing the salary calculation and attendance tracking faster. Moreover, this also allows them to take care of a lot of other jobs that had otherwise taken a backseat.

#6)To instil a sense of punctuality among employees

Your employees must be in the habit of taking undue advantage of the manual time tracking system. Just within a month or two of installation and use of an automated system, you will see a sharp surge in the punctuality of all your employees.

#7)To make procedures more transparent

With a time tracking system, employees can get to see their exact punch/swipe in and out times at the end of every month. The procedures get more transparent as everyone can have a look at the working hours of one another. The establishment of such a fair system will promote punctuality and instil trust among all the employees of your organisation.

#8)To increase security

Many offshore dedicated centres in multinational companies demand that the security of their data be maintained to a foolproof extent. Biometric systems, in particular, are used extensively in such offshore dedicated centres to meet the stringent security mandates laid down by the clients. Biometric systems are foolproof and even eliminate instances of proxy attendances, besides giving access to only the people allowed to enter the premises.

#9)To avail the benefits of real-time data

Most time attendance systems, especially biometric time attendance systems are compatible with HR software that can help in gaining real-time access to the data, without having to wait for it to be updated and verified.

#10)To take another step towards flourishing

Many types of research show that organizations that adopted the modern time attendance systems, gained from it and only flourished in the long run.

Final Words About the Use of Time Attendance System

The ten reasons discussed above will in probability have etched the importance of having a time attendance system or two for your office in your mind. One thing to make sure before you proceed to buy a time tracker is that you buy only from reputed brands. ESSL, Endroid and Numax manufacture reliable time attendance systems and are used across a majority of offices and companies to track employee attendance.